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Actor Problems

Jan 31, 2019

Need I say more?

Some backstory: Five years ago, I experienced my first polar vortex. I was also going through a rough time at work. Between the two, I felt pretty defeated...

Not. This. Year.

I'm five years into my personal development journey. I've learned a few things that help me stay positive during not-so-positive...

Jan 24, 2019

I thought I was going to that dark place again….

I was at a day job. There were tons of people. I started getting stressed. And cranky. And mad. And WHY do I still work these jobs again?? And, and, and…..


That was the the voice that came to me when I was about to really go down the negative chatter...

Jan 17, 2019

When it comes to meditation, you probably fall into one of three categories….

  • You love it. You know it’s good for you. You do it everyday.
  • You hate it: You either hate sitting still, or you can do it, but it’s not enjoyable for you. So you don’t do it.
  • You want to love it: You know it’s good for you. You’ve...

Jan 10, 2019

You know that feeling when others are making a mess, and yet you are the one cleaning it up?

If they're under the age of five....usually you'll let that slide. (Maybe.) 

But otherwise, it's easy to let it drain your energy. You know, that energy you NEED to get through the day...

This week, I'm sharing a personal...

Jan 3, 2019

More results. Less effort.

If this sounds like a scam - you’re my people. But this week’s episode isn’t about a quick fix. It’s about a BETTER way of working. Kind of like the phrase, “work smarter, not harder.” We’re about to dive deeeeeep into HOW to work smarter - specifically for all of you artists.