Jun 27, 2019
"Don't give us a reason to say no." - Sarah Clark, Chicago casting director.
Sarah has worked in the industry for nine years. Casting is her bread and butter, but she's also an Emmy Nominated producer and professional screenwriter. She’s been lucky to work on films like AUGUST OSAGE COUNTY, TO THE WONDER, RUDDERLESS,...
Jun 20, 2019
Hey acting friends :)
Think about that one area of your career that you’ve been putting off improving in. You know the one. (If you’re like me, you have more than one…#notperfect).
Now stop. How are you feeling?
If the answer is “I FEEL SO GUILTY RIGHT NOW, WTF??”....then you’re my people.
I was texting with...
Jun 13, 2019
Have you ever cried for no reason at all?
I did. This past week.
...until I realized, “OH. That’s why…”
Actors are emotional. We don’t always know we’re in a bad mood until we’re hit with (what feels like) a wave of negative energy. And suddenly, we’re like, “Where the hell did this come from?!”
Jun 6, 2019
Question: How are we as actors supposed to be sane and positive when facing rejection all the time?
Second question: How are we supposed to do the same when we're getting rejected from even auditioning? Or rejected from getting an agent to get those auditions? HOW?!
First off - please stop shouting. Second - I got...